The gynecologist answers
After hove much time can a pregnancy be seen on an ultrasound?
I wonder after how much time can a pregnancy be seen on an ultrasound? After the absence of menstruation for 7 days (5 weeks of pregnancy), if the cycle is 28 days, the gestational sac can be seen on an ultrasound, and from the 7th week of pregnancy the embryo and...
Which decision to make
Please help. I am 17 years old and I got pregnant and now I do not know what to do. I am 8 weeks pregnant and I know I am too young to give birth and I have neither the strength nor the courage to have an abortion. If I do opt for abortion, what does it actually look...
Pain during each intercourse
Dear doctor, I had my first intercourse at the age of 16 and it was the first time for both me and my boyfriend. I was in pain, so we stopped and tried again in a week. That time we succeeded even though the pain was present, but since then every time the pain...
Is it possible that I got pregnant?
Greetings! I had sex 5 days before I was supposed to get my period. I got it on the expected day and it was normal. I did not get it this month. I am 2 weeks late now. Is it possible that I got pregnant? Since had sexual intercourse last month and got regular and...
Can you get HPV without sexual intercourse?
Dear doctor, I have a problem even though I am a virgin. At the gynaecological examination, a gynaecologist noticed changes in the vaginal mucosa that the gynaecologist suspects to be condyloma, i.e. suspicion of HPV virus infection by oral route, which becomes...
Transmission of sexually transmitted diseases
Good afternoon, I was wondering if the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases is reduced if the partner does not ejaculate into the vagina or is the same likelihood of infection at any stage of intercourse, even if it lasted a minute without a condom? ...
Pull-out method – reliable or not?
I have regular intercourses with my girlfriend, but not very often, approximately once in 7 days, but we make the most of that day (multiple intercourses in one day). Lately, we have stopped using condoms as a contraceptive, and for contraception purposes, we use the...
I took a morning-after pill, but my period is late
Dear doctor, the first day of the last menstruation was on April 12th. I had intercourse on April 27th. A condom slipped during intercourse and my partner is not sure if some of his sperm ended up in me. I took ellaOne pill 15 hours after that happened because I did...
Advice regarding birth control pills
I am 17 years old and have a boyfriend with whom I had intercourse. Last month my period was late, I was very scared and I thought I was pregnant. In the end, I was not pregnant, but I became very afraid of getting pregnant. Can I use birth control pills? Do I really...
Our condom broke!
I had intercourse with a boyfriend and since the condom broke, I took the morning-after pill. The next day I was supposed to get my period. However, 4 days have passed, and I still have not gotten it. Is it possible that I am pregnant? In addition, I used drops for a...