How do I know if I am in a quality relationship?

What does it mean to be in a quality relationship? Is it a relationship in which the other person gives in to you in everything and is “head over heels in love with you”? Is it a relationship in which you spend all your free time together and make sure you “confess” to each other when you hang out with other people? Do you need to adjust your free time and hobbies to your boyfriend or girlfriend and expect the same from him or her? Is being “a little jealous” and reading messages on her or his cell phone OK? 

Below we bring you 10 signs of a quality relationship – those full of trust, respect, and support for the other person!


  • TRUST (You can share your doubts and count on support in good times and bad times) 
  • RESPECT (You see each other as equal people with equally important desires and needs)
  • RESPECT (You respect the wishes, opinions, and attitudes of the other person)
  • SUPPORT (Each person supports the other to do their best) 
  • RESPONSIBILITY (You take responsibility for your own actions and do not blame the other person) 
  • DECISIONS (You make decisions together, as a couple and try to respect the needs of both persons as much as possible) 
  • FEELINGS (You are openly expressing feelings without fear of ridicule and belittling) 
  • LISTENING (You actively listen to each other, give yourself time, are attentive and try to understand each other) 
  • ENCOURAGEMENT (You encourage your partner’s friendships and interests, sports, hobbies, and similar things outside of your relationship) 
  • DIFFERENCES (You accept your differences and do not try to change one another)